The Black Christ documentary film tells the story of a courageous Cape Town artist, Ronald Harrison. In 1962, at the age of 22, Harrison created an imposing 2.2 by 1.3 metre oil painting depicting Christ …
The Black Christ documentary film tells the story of a courageous Cape Town artist, Ronald Harrison. In 1962, at the age of 22, Harrison created an imposing 2.2 by 1.3 metre oil painting depicting Christ as a black man, using the likeness of ANC leader at the time, Chief Albert Luthuli.
Ronald Harrison was born on the 18 March 1940 in the suburb of Athlone, Cape Town, but lived the first four years of his life in Kimberley. After returning to Cape Town, Ronald described his childhood as ‘nomadic’ - his family often moved from place to place and he lived in many different Cape Town communities, including District Six, Ottery and Salt River.